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Showing posts from May, 2018

Week 1 :- CERN-HSF @ GSoC 2018

This week was the official start of the coding period for GSoC 2018 from 14th May onwards. Tasks were completed as per the proposed schedule in the application. A small summary of the work done is mentioned below along with other activities done during the week. This week was also special as I participated in the bi-weekly meeting of DIRAC Developers team as a member and interacted with other developers of the group and laid the foundations of the project with various inputs received from them. Tasks completed within this week: Completed the testing of Job Monitoring and Job State services with fixing installation problems with respect to modules available. Created Pull Request ( link ) on GitHub correcting documentation for certificates used for stating user and host devices. Existing tests including unit and integration tests to verify the currently working modules are functioning properly. Setting up ElasticSearch and verifying existing code to create indexes and ...

Community Bonding :- CERN-HSF @ GSoC 2018

The community bonding period is a crucial period in the GSoC program. I have been in constant contact with my immediate mentor Federico and other mentors Christophe and Zoltan. In this time-period, we have had communication via IM, Emails etc. Also, I had interaction with the GSoC mentors which are responsible for the functioning of the GSoC program with CERN-HSF, specifically Antoine and Enric, who conducted a conference meeting with all the students and gave us the guidelines and warnings to be a successful student in the GSoC program and described about the incentives to students with good work. The conversations have been quite helpful and invigorated me with excitement to complete my project with full dedication.

Google Summer of Code - 2018

This year I have been selected for the Google Summer of Code - 2018 program with the CERN-HSF organization. I am working towards the development of DIRAC-Grid project. My major task is to extend the current Database backend from MySQL to ElasticSearch to store JobParameters which would make queries possible and easier. More details about the project can be found  here . Its been a great pleasure for me to get selected for the GSoC program with CERN-HSF and I would try my best to complete the project with the guidance of mentors and self-motivation. I will also be posting weekly updates on the progress made during the project period.